Peacemakers Story

Peacemakers Story


Medium: Paint
Size: 8x10

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The story of The Six Nations flag,the unifying of the 5, now, 6 Nations of the People of the Longhouse or the Haudenosaunee, textbooks refer to them as the Iroquois Confederacy but that is not the actual name of the people.

During a time of great suffering and warfare between the tribes a man appeared called the Peacemaker, he ended up uniting the warring tribes who buried their weapons of war under the great pine which would become the seat of the council fire for the Haudenosaunee people.

The purple represents the stormy and dark time between the people,the feathers underneath represent peace and connection to Creator and the dark likes connecting underneath represent our deep rootedness together.

The original 5 Nations represented from left to right are Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga (the Pine Tree), Oneida and Mohawk.

I also painted faces of sorrow in the storm clouds above. The white represents the purity of Peace between us.

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